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"Alice" is a thought leader in her industry. She had reached a pinnacle of success and recognition, but the playing field and her vision had changed significantly and she needed to adapt and create her next big thing.


The rub: She didn’t know what that would be exactly and was concerned that she might not find it. She was in some ways standing in her own shadow.


The objective: To create something amazing and new that would be a full expression of her talents and purpose to positive impact in her field.


The shift: First step was for me to guide her to recognize and step out of her patterned ways of looking at how to “figure it out.” She began to learn to open her mind to allow in fresh perspectives and new possibilities she hadn’t imagined. We “partnered” together, brainstorming ideas, and teasing out her creative flow until “it” became clearer. Many unimagined opportunities began to surface, and she is well on her way to her next big success.



"Bob" is a very successful high-level leader in a global organization. He has contributed immensely to the organization by continuing to identify its needs and the strategic vision to provide the path and development of leaders to get there. 

The rub: Although he is a highly acclaimed and respected leader, he personally feel he needs to constantly prove himself and win the continued respect of his boss, peers and direct reports. He struggled at times holding his reports accountable. He also felt disrespected by others and would either lash out or acquiesce his position and power.


The objective: To feel more confident and empowered in his role as a leader, to hold others accountable and inspire him to work more collaboratively around a shared goal and vision.


The shift: I worked with him to help tap into his authentic strengths as a leader. He learned that this gave him a real sense of his power and more energy vs. feeling drained by constantly trying to prove their self. I provided him with techniques to become more aware and at choice around where and how he expresses his power. Showing up authentically with more clarity, confidence and direction has made him a much more inspiring, effective and impactful leader.


"Charlie" is a senior leader with a proven track record of delivering at the highest levels. They are a tremendous strategist, doggedly driven, and ALWAYS delivers on budget, on time, no matter how daunting the task. They know their industry inside out and holds themself and their reports to accountability and the highest standards.

The rub: They can become bullish when pressed and in turn their reports and colleagues can become, defensive, deflated and/or oppositional.


The objective: Bring together all cross-functional leaders and teams in the organization to work as a cohesive whole rather than splintering into their individual silos.


The shift:  They were skeptical at first about coaching or that anything could change this repetitive dynamic. Our focus was to start by identifying where they were getting “triggered” and how that was impacting them and their ability to lead more effectively. We then focused on various tools and techniques to help them shift from their reactive behaviors to a more proactive stance. In very short order, they surprised themselves and was able to apply these new tools and begin to develop the kinds of collaborative relationships necessary to accomplish their objectives.

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